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    73 Wyndham Street,
    Central, Hong Kong
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Body Transformations

Jeremy Meyer, October 10, 2018

Personal Training After He Beat Cancer – 13kgs of Fat Loss

After he Beat Cancer Tay Wanted to Get Fit Again. Tay was always physically active for most of his life. He did a combination of running, cycling, and weight training once to twice per week and considered himself a "casual

Jeremy Meyer, September 26, 2018

Better Vegan Nutrition & Strength Training Leads To 8kg’s Fat Loss in 12 weeks.

Better Vegan Nutrition Gabo had been physically active all her life. She had been searching for a Personal Trainer and found RAW by doing an online search. She needed help with a better Vegan nutrition plan for strength training and

Jeremy Meyer, August 23, 2018

Injury Recovery through Personal Training leads to 11.5% body fat loss in three months.

Increasing strength for a sustainable lifestyle Before Mike came to RAW Personal Training he had used many different gyms and trainers in Hong Kong. He had suffered on and off from lower back pain and tightness for several years. He

Jeremy Meyer, July 19, 2018

Phil deals with depression, anxiety and anger issues with strength and conditioning workouts.

Following our Strength and conditioning workouts, Phil lost 11% body fat. When Phil moved to Hong Kong from Minnesota he struggled with the culture change. He had suffered from depression and anxiety his whole life. Being depressed and lonely in

Jeremy Meyer, February 28, 2018

Adeline’s Five Month Sustainable Transformation

Before joining RAW Personal Training, Adeline spent months working out without achieving any real results to show for her efforts. At RAW she got Real Results and a Sustainable Transformation. Her previous personal trainer did not follow any particular long

Jeremy Meyer, January 5, 2018

Lose Post Pregnancy Weight and Change Your Lifestyle

Eleni wanted to lose her post pregnancy weight During her gained during her second pregnancy, Eleni gained a lot of weight. She came to RAW Personal Training to change her lifestyle, improve her general health.  By following our structure, she was

Jeremy Meyer, November 23, 2017

Busy Executive wants to Get Healthy & Improve his Lifestyle

Like many busy people in Hong Kong, finding time to focus on your health can be a challenge. Before coming to RAW Personal Training, Matt had trained with several different personal trainers in Hong Kong but was disheartened by not

Jeremy Meyer, November 21, 2017

Ben rehabilitates ACL Ligament Injury and loses 11% body fat with strength and conditioning workouts

Ben got his ACL Ligament Injury tore playing touch rugby. He let himself go and lost motivation to exercise after the injury.  Once cleared for exercise by his physiotherapist, he came to RAW Personal Training for Strength & Conditioning Workouts.

Jeremy Meyer, November 3, 2017

Nicolas loses 11% body fat in 4 months with Personal Training and Nutrition Planning

New to Personal Training and Nutrition Planning Nick found RAW Personal Training when searching for a Personal Trainer and Nutritionist in Central Hong Kong. Nicolas is a family man and works as a lawyer.  His body fat percentage was over 25%.

Jeremy Meyer, October 13, 2017

New Mum Loses Post Pregnancy Weight | RAW Personal Training

Nina started her journey of post-pregnancy weight loss training at RAW in 2015. Initially, she came to us as she was dealing with a few injuries caused by long-distance running. She fell in love with the whole personal training experience

Jeremy Meyer, October 7, 2016

Strength Training for Sprinter Glenn Cox

Sprinter Glenn Cox was able to reduce his body fat percentage from 10% to 6% in 13 weeks by focusing on structural balance and then functional hypertrophy. Following the well-developed individualized strength-training program, he was able to gain lean 6kg’s

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